On November 1, 2013, William "Jody" Byrd was found guilty of the February 25, 1999 murder of his wife, Desta Dodson Byrd. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey, who was appointed as special prosecutor to the case, along with the assistance of Assistant District Attorney Scott Gilliland, successfully prosecuted the case against Byrd. Lt. Scott Bartle of the Alabama Bureau of Investigations also played a key role in the prosecution team.
The trial began on Monday, October 28, 2013, with Judge Jack Meigs presiding. Testimony concluded Thursday afternoon when the defense rested after calling only one witness and with Byrd not taking the stand in his own defense. The jury received the case before lunch on Friday and deliberated for less than three hours.
Sentencing is tentatively scheduled to take place in December, 2013. Casey said she will ask for a sentence of 99 years.
Reader Comments (2)
I just saw the story on Dateline and just wanted to tell you guys that you are amazing. Desta must of been a wonderful person to have friends such as yourselves.
Wishing each and everyone of you a wonderful Christmas season
Sincerely, Larry Sunde from Albert Lea, MN
Thank you, Mr. Sunde.
Desta was a wonderful person, but hopefully we all have friends who will love us through life AND death and who feel that doing the right thing is important no matter what the circumstances.
Best wishes to you and Merry Christmas!