
Jody Byrd has been sentenced to 99 years in prison

Jody Byrd was sentenced today to serve 99 years in prison for the 1999 murder of Desta Dodson Byrd. Judge Meigs sent a strong message that, no matter how pervasive it is, domestic violence is still a criminal act and that no one should get away with murder. Given the overwhelming amount of evidence against Jody, we feel that this is a just and fair sentence, and we hope that it brings some peace to all of those who were affected by Desta’s  brutal, senseless murder.

We want to thank all of those who have supported our efforts to find justice in this case. We also would like to thank the jurors for their service and Judge Meigs for presiding over this case. We also want to thank the Alabama Bureau of Investigations, including the team of investigators and support staff who contributed to this investigation over the years.

Finally, we want to thank the prosecution team of Assistant District Attorney Scott Gilliland and District Attorney Pamela Casey. They took over the prosecution of this case almost 14 years after the murder, and within a short time, were able to put together the pieces of this puzzle and get a killer off our streets for a long, long time. Because of their actions, all of us are safer tonight. . 


Sentencing Date Set for Jody Byrd

William "Jody" Byrd will be sentenced for the 1999 murder of Desta Dodson Byrd at 9 AM on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. 



On November 1, 2013, William "Jody" Byrd was found guilty of the February 25, 1999 murder of his wife, Desta Dodson Byrd. Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey, who was appointed as special prosecutor to the case, along with the assistance of Assistant District Attorney Scott Gilliland, successfully prosecuted the case against Byrd. Lt. Scott Bartle of the Alabama Bureau of Investigations also played a key role in the prosecution team. 

The trial began on Monday, October 28, 2013, with Judge Jack Meigs presiding. Testimony concluded Thursday afternoon when the defense rested after calling only one witness and with Byrd not taking the stand in his own defense. The jury received the case before lunch on Friday and deliberated for less than three hours. 

Sentencing is tentatively scheduled to take place in December, 2013. Casey said she will ask for a sentence of 99 years.



We wanted to remind everyone that William "Jody" Byrd is scheduled to stand trial for the 1999 murder of his wife, Desta Dodson Byrd, on Monday, October 28th in Bibb County. With the trial coming up, we ask that you please keep Desta's family, friends, and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.


Trial Date: Update


William Jody Byrd was scheduled to stand trial for the 1999 murder of his wife, Desta Dodson Byrd, on October 22, 2012 but that trial date will be continued. We anticipate a new trial date sometime in the Spring of 2013. And although he was originally denied bond, it was later granted by Judge Meigs and thus William Jody Byrd remains free at this time.

We will post trial date information when it becomes available. Until then, please keep Desta's friends, family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. We thank you for your continued support!!!