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Trial date information for William "Jody" Byrd


Hi everyone. We apologize for the delay in providing this information to you, but here's the information we can share as of now:

William Jody Byrd was orignally scheduled to stand trial for the 1999 murder of his wife, Desta Dodson Byrd, on February 27, 2012. His defense attorney, William "Bill" Dawson, filed a motion for a continuance, and that motion was granted by Judge Jack Meigs. 

As of now, barring any further continuances, Byrd is scheduled to stand trial for capital murder on June 11, 2012. And although he was orginally denied bond, it was later granted by Judge Meigs and Byrd remains free at this time.

He will face the death penalty, if convicted.

Reader Comments (6)

please POST some info on the "evidence" that has been presented re:
Jody Byrd's GUILT re: his wife's death.

...just exactly WHAT ARE THE pieces of "evidence" that have been presented in this case against her husband???

the history of this case shows :
~>that he "adored" his wife;
~>there has been huge "support" from his employment "colleagues"
~>his longevity @ his position w UPS shows responsibility'
~>the life insurance $$ he received @ her death? he gave that money to her parents.
~>motive?? where/what IS IT??

thank you for any info/answers you can give re: the above


May 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenternicsgrammy

We are unable to "post the evidence" because only the DA's office is aware of it. Beyond that, we've always believed that those charged are innocent until proven guilty, which is the very reason there will be a trial.
We certainly appreciate your comments and your interest in this case!

May 8, 2012 | Registered CommenterJustice for Desta


June 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHEATHER

Did the trial start on the 11th as scheduled? Interested in updates.

June 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterT

The judge granted another continuance. The trial is now set for October 22nd.

June 22, 2012 | Registered CommenterJustice for Desta

Thank you for the update........... We are praying for Desta's family! It must be an unbelieveable stress to have a date to begin the trial and then be continued once again.

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHEATHER

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